Join our Ami supporters that value what Festival International brings to Lafayette. Be our friend, be our Ami.

Did you know Festival International could not exist without its community of supporters that come together each year? Show your support by coming an Ami and you’ll be helping to bring the world to Lafayette for a spectacular cultural celebration.

Choose one of the five Ami levels below that works for you . Your contribution enriches lives in our community by bringing international music and arts to attendees of all ages!




  • 100% tax deductible


$50 / $5 monthly

  • 10% discount on all Festival merch and passes

  • 100% tax deductible


$150 / $20 monthly

  • All perks of Bon Ami PLUS...

  • Official Amis Sticker

  • Exclusive Amis Shirt

  • One Lagniappe pass

  • Listing on Festival website

  • Tax deductible


$350 / $35 monthly

  • All perks of Bon Ami PLUS...

  • Official Amis Sticker

  • Exclusive Amis Shirt

  • Two Lagniappe passes

  • Listing on Festival website & in Official Festival Guide

  • Tax deductible


$700 / $65 monthly

  • All perks of Bon Ami PLUS...

  • Two Bons Temps Passes

  • Listing on Festival website & in Official Festival Guide

  • Recognition during Festival International

  • One Festival 2025 pin

  • One Festival 2025 poster

  • Tax deductible

***** T-Shirt Sizes and Recognition is not guaranteed after March 4th*****



Danny and Nichole Airhart
Beacon Building Products
Alan and Karen Benit
Ben and Libby Benton
The Drs. Berkeley - Ish and Rhonda Berkeley
Laura and Grant Black
Richard & Kathy Broussard
Stuart Burgess
Eddie and Louise Buttross
Colleen and John Chappuis
Nanette Cook
Russ and Susan Danna
Andrew and Mitzi Duhon
Kenny Duzan
Evangeline Pioneers
Jenni and Ed Feazel
Scott and Peggy Feehan
Final Chapters, LLC
Glenn and Nikki Futch
Eric and Andrea Gammons
Corey and Valerie Guidry
Jill Guidry
Myra Guidry
Tim Guidry and Joey Mouton
Gulfsouth Engineering
Jared and Erin Gray
NeeKee and Kaedron Hall
David and Jon-Ella Hays
Dr. Lewis Hill
Don Holbert
Tim and Tammy Kelly
Patrick and Christy LaBauve
Nadine LaBry

Laura Lawton and Alan Broussard
Llewellyn Family
David T. Maynor
Brent and Gayle Milam
Craig and Marie Minnick
Mandi Mitchell
Georgie Mouton
Mark and Pamela Mouton
Candy Nelson
Paul H. Nicoletti
Tom and Rachel Nugent
Amy and Mike O’Quain
Bruce and Sonya Parrish
Paul’s Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. Kelley Pears
Lauren and WIlliam Poche’
Jim Rees and Jeannine Lanoux
Mauri Robichaux
Rosales Lawn and Landscaping LLC
Tucker Sappington
Matt and Shannon Savoy
Bruce and Jane Sawvel
Ann and John Schatzle
Larry and Lindsay Simon
Bob, Carolyn and Sadie Smith
Adam and Jennifer Swann
Neysha SwirlGirl
William Thiele
Kelly and Kyle Viator
Martha and Timothy Viator
Andy and Kathy Vodicka
Brandon and Joan Wallace
Mike and Suzanne Whittenberg


Vona’ and Jim Allen
Deborah Amy and Dennis Sullivan
Clay and Karen Begnaud
Linden and Geri Bercegeay
Paul and Nancy Body
Keith A. Breaux
Matt and Rami Brignac
Carolyn and Harry Bruder
CalStixx LLC
Andre and Angie Comeax
Clint and Melissa Elliott
Matt and Tessie Falgout
Darrell Frugé and Conrad Breaux
Adam Fulton
Whitney Gonsoulin
Susie Garcia and Nell Hahn
Sally Herpin
Holley and Chuck Hogg
Brother and Patti Marine
Mark and Beverly Matulik
Jared and Adele Mayeaux
Marie Bourgeois McClain

Kenny and Gisele Menard
Oneika Mercier and Taylor Locksey
Mary Q Nain
Jody and Lenny Nederveld
Michael and Brook Odom
Jammie Parbhoo
Bubba and Linda Pothier
Brian Rando
Buz and Libby Reid
Drew and Jill Richard
Bobby Schexnayder
Jamie Simmons
Logan Simpson
Marquis and Rachel Sledge
Ann and Scott Snyder
Charles and Sandi Stewart
Cherie Royer and Richard Stokes
Summit Financial Wealth Advisors
Leah Talbot
Josh Vidrine
Cathy Webre
Brian and Stephanie West


A Dannette Photography
A Healing Practice, LLC
Miranda Augillard
Erin Bass
Erin Berlier
Keith Bernard
Mark and Debra Billeaud
Ryan Bourque
Gary and Terry Brazell
Gerald and Helen Breaux
Catherine Bricelj
Tom and Rachelle Brown
Adele Bulliard
Melissa Canone
David and Lisa Card
Christopher Chiasson
Amy Chauvin
Brad and Melanie Cradeur
Carmen Daniels
Katie Digilormo
Rana DiOrio
Aleya Domingue
Noella Dugas
Angelic Duhon
Paul Eaton

Kathleen Espinoza
Clay Fasancht
Sandy and Al Foreman
Debbie Gaspard
Jill and Jarod Gaspard
Jason P. Guilbeau, PhD,CAE
Amy P. Guiberteau
Dr. Mary Grace Hebert
Monica Hebert
Tammy and Craig Hebert
Erin Helms
Anita Trahan Huval
Sue Kaplan
La Famille Schott- Mandy, Karl et Marguerite
Colby La Place
Vanessa Lasala
Chris and Amy Lee
The Levy Company, APC
Lobel Arts
Fernando Lovo
Claire Lowry
Ashley Mick
Tammy Mitchell
Ricardo Montelongo
Hailey Moon

Kim and Libby Nehrbass
Barbara Omerbegovic
John Pere
Sherry Pereja
Christophe Pilut
Jeanne Plaisance
Lucile Prejean
Debbie Pritchett
Suzanne Rees
Roberts Notary Services
Haylé Rogers
Moussa Sadou
Charles Salassi
Elizabeth Savoy
Melanie Shammout
Jim Simon
Keith and Camille Simon
Aaron Stall
Lisa Strauss
Kelly and Kraig Strenge
Beth Vairin
Valor Home Loans
Frederick G. Weinstein, M.D.
Leslie Wooters
Jerry and Kate Zutell
Roanna Zuvich